Student Connection
Bible Quizzing
Student Connection Bible Quizzing is a non-denominational ministry that strives to make Jesus the focus of our lives by learning God's Word through Bible Quizzing.
We host quiz meets every month on the third Thursday and practices each week on Thursday nights. See Events for more information on location and times.
Meet Our Team:
Adam & Annie Dohrn
What started as a desire to reach teens in their community with the Good News and the opportunity for discipleship has become an official quizzing ministry!
We are so grateful for the Dorhns and all the hard work they put into making the Word of God accessible to the kids in our communities!
Student Connection Bible Quizzing is made possible by many volunteers as well! Our table officials, coaches, and other helpers give of their time to make quizzing happen for others.
Maybe there's a way you would like to help out as well!